Frequently Asked Questions

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How do I know which guitar pedal is right for me?

Right now we offer a permanent line of our staple pedals, some one-offs and also the possibility of a costum order. To know which would be the perfect fit for you head to our instagram and youtube pages to get to know more about them! If you are still not sure, get in touch with us and we will help you decide!

Can you provide more details about a specific pedal's features?

Sure! Just message us through our socials and we can send you more info or even a demo with the specifications you would like to know more about.

How can I stay informed about your latest promotions and deals?

We ocasionally run sales and giveaways on our socials. The best way to keep up is to follow us over there! You can find us at @memorylaneelctronics on instagram, facebook and youtube.

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Do you offer custom-built pedals or modifications?

Yes, we do! Drop us a message on instagram or on email telling us what you would like!

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What payment methods do you accept?

We accept Paypal and MBway.

Do you offer international shipping?

We ship worldwide. Check our shipping rates page for more information.

What are the shipping costs and delivery times?

The shipping cost vary depending on your location. The delivery time may also depend on the type of product you wish to order. Check our shipping rates page for more information and shipping prices and delivery times.

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Do you offer any warranty on your products?

Yes, we do! Check our warranty page to know more about our warranty policy.

What is your return policy?

If for some reason a product gets to you damaged, we will make sure to send you a new one or refund you as soon as possible. For more on this matter, check our returns policy page.

Are there any items that are non-returnable?

Our products are only returnable if they arrived damaged to you. Check our returns page to know more.

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Do you have any forums or online communities where customers can interact?

Yes, we do. We are very proud of our instagram page and the little community we built there! Talking with other pedal builders and pedal lovers is one of our favourite things. If that is something you would like, head up there and drop up a message! We would love to get to know you!

Are there any resources or guides available for using and maintaining the pedals?

Each pedal is sent with a brief instruction manual with the pedal's description, features and how to use it. Additionally, for any question you have we are always happy to help! Head over to instagram and drop us a message!

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Are you open to collaborations?

Yes, we are. For more on collaborations, check our Collabs page.

Do you sell on physical stores?

Not at the moment, but we are aiming on doing so soon!