Returns policy

Eligibility for Returns
Returns are accepted only for products that arrive in a non-working condition or with manufacturing defects.

To be eligible for a return, you must notify us within 30 days from the date of delivery. If 30 days have passed since the delivery, unfortunately, we cannot offer you a return.

How to return your product
Please, do not return any product without receiving authorization from our customer support team.

To process a return, the product must be in its original packaging and include all the accessories and components that were included in the original shipment.

Once we receive the returned product, we will inspect it to verify the reported issue. If the return is approved, we will either issue a refund for the full purchase amount or provide a replacement product, according to your preference.

Shipping and Return Costs
In cases where the product arrived non-working or defective, we will cover the return shipping costs. If the product is found to be working correctly or has been damaged due to customer misuse, the customer will be responsible for the return shipping costs.

Other Terms and Conditions:
Memory Lane Electronics reserves the right to refuse return claims that do not meet the specified criteria or if there is evidence of fraud or misrepresentation.

By purchasing our product, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this returns policy.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact our customer support team.